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26 Lessons From my 26th Year

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

Today is my 26th birthday.

Year 26 was alot. A lot of change, a lot of adventure, a lot of fear and a lot of growth. Rather than give a recap of everything

year 26 held for me, I think I'd rather

type out 26 lessons that I learned in my 26th year of life, reminding myself that good things come from unexpected places, and bad things often hold an opportunity to learn and grow, often for the sake of others.

  1. Everyone has different priorities, be gracious to where other's differ from yourself.
  2. You'll never regret taking a moment to listen.
  3. European wine is truly always superior.
  4. Standing in someone's grief is holy ground, tread lightly.
  5. Humility is the key to contentment.
  6. Loving your kid(s) is controversial, do it anyway.
  7. So is sacrificing convenience for those you love, do it anyway.
  8. The cost of travel is always worth it.
  9. Everybody's story is way more complex than what meets the eye.
  10. Saying yes is more fun.
  11. You'll spend less money, the less you're on social media.
  12. Educating yourself is never wasted.
  13. Sunlight, vitamins, protein and filtered water are pillars to healing.
  14. Everyone kinda doesn't know what their doing, I'm not an imposter alone.
  15. Eating healthy in a very American small town is not for the faint of heart.
  16. Obeying God is usually messy and not linear.
  17. Being a parent is about learning to be kindhearted and open to interruptions.
  18. Anger is not bad, where we channel it can be.
  19. Laughter and advocacy for one another is needed in every marriage.
  20. Shame hates being articulated, but that is the only way is diminishes.
  21. A $20 meal cooked in grass-fed butter will taste better than a $100 one cooked in canola oil.
  22. Walmart actually has a decent selection of minimally processed and organic items.
  23. Reading books is always worth the time.
  24. Authenticity requires vulnerability and will make people uncomfortable.
  25. Being willing to change your mind is one of the greatest gifts you can give to those around you.
  26. Waking up early to spend time with God is never wasted time.

There you go, 26 totally out of context lessons I have learned this last year, I am a better and far more aged person than I was a year ago. Yet I hold onto weary hope for my 27th year, I hope I learn less and rest more.

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