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Our beautiful, messy, Vital life.

Abbie Vital
3 min read
Don't Trust the Process // Gratitude & Disappointment
God is interested in who we are becoming, so we must press on with wounded hearts and open hands, trusting the Creator more than the process

Abbie Vital
12 min read
Setting Tables, Mission, and Blind Hope.
Having a willing heart, and a creative God, calls for a lot of blind hope. We felt the push of " go" settling deep into our souls in...

Abbie Vital
2 min read
26 Lessons From my 26th Year
Today is my 26th birthday. Year 26 was alot. A lot of change, a lot of adventure, a lot of fear and a lot of growth. Rather than give a...

Abbie Vital
5 min read
We Are Moving to Mexico
At least that is what we are trying to do, but for now I just want to write to you; The dreamers, the ones who have high aspirations and...

Abbie Vital
5 min read
Start a Small Business on a Budget
If you've always had a desire to own a small business but doubts and logistics seem to be in the way, you're in the right place.
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