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Our beautiful, messy, Vital life.
Jenny Silva
3 min read
The Motivation for Missions
What keeps me on the field? What gives me joy and a reason to continue in ministry through discouragement?
Abbie Vital
1 min read
A Liturgy for Sourdough Baking
A liturgy for baking sourdough, to mindfully connect the work of your hands and the posture of your heart to spiritual realities.
Abbie Vital
3 min read
Don't Trust the Process // Gratitude & Disappointment
God is interested in who we are becoming, so we must press on with wounded hearts and open hands, trusting the Creator more than the process
Abbie Vital
12 min read
Setting Tables, Mission, and Blind Hope.
Having a willing heart, and a creative God, calls for a lot of blind hope. We felt the push of " go" settling deep into our souls in...
Abbie Vital
6 min read
The Fruit of the Spirit is Not A Prada Jacket
I have always thought of the fruit of the spirit as purely external. Like the adorning of a luxury coat. If I am filled with the spirit,...
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